
prepare the mind for some thai boxing. here's the matches for the day.

the audience was even more violent than the boxers themselves. watch out for this one.

my eyes went off the stage in the later half to this guy.
a new sports crush? not exactly.
the fact that he was "really" into the match just caught every audience's attention, including me.
there i told you. the game was way off the stage.
the real macho is actually down there.


liz said...

love the ring in the first pic, it's so beautiful! Also, this makes me want to go to a boxing match, great photos.

Jeans Please! said...

I totally agree with U.

There R Ur pictures?
Amazing, and amazing blog, really! <3


michelle_ said...

the ring in the first pic is really pretty !
you always have amazing pictures in your bloggg !

glisters and blisters

ediot said...

i'm not really liking this kind of sport. but i must say the photos are so so good! thanks for sharing.
hope you're having a good monday dear


Sue said...

Im loving all the pictures!!!!!

Great work!

Anonymous said...

Wohh I am impressed you made sports look chic!

Thanks for the lovely comment as always.

vint junky said...

You've caught the atmosphere perfectly. The music, the fight, the audience. Wonderful photos

A.n.E said...

Wow!What an experience! Never really given boxing much of a thought, but this is awesome. Thai boxing huh? Must put that at the top of my must sees! You always manage to capture this really raw quality, in the moment, with all emotions involved.

FBJ said...

intense photos!



all are self-taken, Jeans Please! it was my first time to the real live boxing game too.

joana said...

wooow you shot AMAZING pics

Kira Aderne said...

wow, fantastic post! Fights always are very interesting...every guy love it...

about fashion, I love your shirt below (the first one) so chic! I wish I have it...

all my love for you,


Kira Aderne said...

Hi again!

Before I place my order, do you ship to Brazil? I am craving hard a shirt there! Please, answer me as soon as possible…I don’t wanna loose this beautiful piece of fashion…

All my kisses and thanks in advance for all,


Anonymous said...

Amazing photos. My boyfriens usually watch on tv boxing.

Siru said...

Great photographs!

juliet xxx

Francesca said...

cool pics, although im not a wrestling fan. my dad and boyfriend went to a thai boxing match in thailand though

F. (opinionslave.blogspot.com) x

Your Only Black Swan said...

loving these photos, you always manage to capture the rawness and atmosphere of wherever you are!

Thailand is number one on my holiday destination list!! ahhhh i need to go!


x Your Only Blackswan
