
we always ponder about a motive behind a great style.
it must be the inspiration which keeps driving that,
and stop stealing my look is one great album that's been collecting those powerful forces.
anne sophie and zak are not phony when it comes to the style they adore and the mood of each fashion editorial they select.
this portfolio of their taste ensures a great proof of modern simplicity and delicately sweet perspective - no lie.

just to make matters even "better", we just went wild when they had featured our blog on their site.
we have been fans of their brilliant collaboration for some time now,
and it feels pretty much like a hungry dog finally getting his bone.
their amazingly catchy phase is now available in a printed tote bag
as styled by ingrid from the stylish triplets of anywho and randomly captured by the all-time streetstyle mastermind, yvan rodic.
so should you just stop stealing THIS look?
we'd rather not. come get some here.
Photo Credits: "Orange Walls" by Antia Pagant and styled by Stop Stealing My Look


Le Temps d'M said...

nice pics ;)

zak said...

ladies, thank you so much for a beautifully written article about us! your blog is a regular stop on our quest of whats good on the internet... great job :)


Anonymous said...

I love the photos. I like the brown vest on the second picture

Mia Bbook

Grace said...

Kind of in love with them.

Love Grace.

Charlotte Elise Jay said...

That photshoot at the top is amazing!!

Love this so much!

Char x

Velociraptor said...

These photos are all so beautiful. I love the tint the sunlight brings out in them.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

her name is bek said...

Ooooo I love it. That bag is just so great. So great.

IKS said...

WOW! i went to their site immediately, and there are amazing stuff to find. love the site already so much. thank you for the recommendation :) made my day!

Your Only Black Swan said...

do i spot highwaisted floral briefs??! amazing! thanks for sharing, I'll be sure to check out SSML!

GREAT TOTE and thanks for stopping by! be sure to enter my CRYSTALISED GIVEAWAY, i think you may just like it!


x Your Only Blackswan

Beth said...

Oo, I've never heard of this site! I'll have to go check it out. Thanks for sharing it.

Natnat said...

I love Stop Stealing My Look! they are my inspiration :)
Very very nice blog!

Izabel said...

i love the editorial above!!



Tayler Worrell said...

stunning style!

A.n.E said...

great job on the feature! well deserved.

carling said...

so inspiring blog!

Check out my blog & new photoshoots from the underground:


ediot said...

hi darling. the light in these shots is PHENOMONAL! thanks for sharing. really LOVe some of these shots. AH- yes those zara boots are one of my favs ;)
have a wonderful week !


Devonately said...

Are those maternity jeans in the first photo? Oddly I want those. These are awesome pictures and this is my new favorite blog.



Unknown said...

Every time I visit your blog, the pictures always take my breath away. Your selections are always so flawless and your writings are so spot on. So again, these are amazing.


not sure if those are really maternity jeans. they look rather fit to us, devonately.

and thanks much, zak! S.S.M.L will always be our daily ritual. keep up the great posts.

style-haus said...

the editorial pics are so romantic and dreamy... congrats on the feature! well deserved


bloo90fashion said...

awesome pics.!


Sherrie Cola said...

Love these photos!

Tiffany's Small World said...

stunning!love all the photos.

- http://tiffanyssmallworld.blogspot.com
