
we are just being creatively challenged here,
who would have ever thought of a "bev glove"?
zapping bubble has introduced us the raddest method of flaunting your beverage in style.
highly recommended for all you (unconscious) partygoers who often leave around your drinks unattended.
come check out its new drawstring handbag too right here.
Photo Credits: Zapping Bubble


vint junky said...

These totally rock


ediot said...

fun post. im glad youre back to blogging. been missing you! hope you had a great weekend. i love the song being played in the background

Sara said...

lol that is really cool! I would get those for my friends to use at house parties, great idea :)

Anonymous said...

oh i love this photos so much!

joana said...

LOVE IT. I'm a coke addict

chloe said...

haha, what a great idea - i want one! x

Anonymous said...

I love the last one, it's so cute

Mia Bbook

Sarah Dee said...

This is the most awesome thing ive seen today!!

theantiquepearl. blogspot.com

Grace said...

I don't even drink soda and I need one!

Love Grace.

style-haus said...

hahahaha no way! this is awesome



A bev glove. Too, too good.

Anouk said...

okay, i have to say: that's kind of strange.

Unknown said...

its very creative post i really like it

very talented and awesome work

Charlotte Elise Jay said...

wow, what will they think of next haha!!


Char x

Jade Purple Brown said...

those ar amazing, i seriously need one!


Mademoiselle Ruta said...

These are incredible. So cool, and very chic.

ediot said...

hihi;) couldn't agree more ;)
but it is so important to stop and think when youre at a good place-or doing something real fun. to keep that in mind when the times are rough. and i bet everybody must have something they love like lil jess got lots of ;)


carina said...

thats so cool !!! i like !!!



Velociraptor said...

WOW. Such a fabulous idea. I'm always losing my drinks here and there!


Frock Around the Clock said...

These are so cool! I'm so glad I don't like fizzy drinks or I would probably have to buy one immediately! :) x

Wynne Prasetyo said...

haha isn't that a lovely purse :)

La Jodi3 & La Couture Also Known as Jaelin B. and Tiara H. said...

i really like this!!!! it's new and different!!

Neekoh said...

Genius! Just sub the coke for 1. diet coke or 2. beer and we're in business ;)

