
this is it. this is the final straw. to choose and to be chosen.
mind us for the lack of posts the last several days,
a life-turning point has just arrived.
i will be walking out of the corporate world from next wednesday on.
i will be a free man.
we both don't know what is yet to come.
cyber world is our only choice.
wish us luck,
cos we will blog like hell.


Unknown said...

What exciting news! Sometimes quitting a job can be the biggest blessing. I can't wait to hear about your future endeavors. Best of luck, my friend!

chloe said...

i agree.
my graphic deisgner boyfriend quit his corporate job at the beginning of the year. apart from a little money-stress he now spends his time doing things he loves and even has a couple of exhibitions coming up, yay!
judging from your blog and etsy, you guys have so much talent, good luck!

btw, HOW CUTE IS THAT BABY!?? i want to eat it! hehe x

Kira Aderne said...

poverty is something so sad...I wish there is no people in this situation...

Isquisofrenia said...

this photos are so awesome and thank you for the suggestion on the white lace dress but i already have one
and i barely wear it hahhah
but yours is so lovely and why are you selling it
looks so gorgous on you!!

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

Amazing photographs.

style-haus said...

images are so moving. great selection. best of luck to you in your new endeavors!

p.s. great lace collection! definitely inspiring


Fashion Cappuccino said...

Great photography! The little girl is so cute! I wish you the best of luck because it takes a lot of courage to quite a job! I wish I could do that right now if it weren't for bills! xoxoxoxoxoxoo

Nicola said...

oh my god. that last photo is actually incredible. x

joana said...

OMG such a strong pictures

molly c said...

Congrats on the big step!! Working for yourself is the best option! what program did you use to get these photo effects? They look like old fashioned post cards xx molly

The Jilted Lover said...

great pics!! they really convey the poverty that many people in this world face daily. =[

Sara said...

Beautiful pis! I want to quit too! It must feel so great to be leaving that place, clearly you have talent that you need to use! :)

Frock Around the Clock said...

Good luck! The colours in that last photo are beautiful :) x

BuenoBueno said...

just found your blog! do you have a blog button?

Grace said...

Good for you! It's a bold and liberating move!!

And great photography!

Love Grace.


molly, we are just adjusting colors and playing around with PS tools a bit - adding blur and noises here and there. we're not really PS gurus, so if anyone feels like sharing other tips, you are more than welcome.

and thanks all for your encouraging words. i am keeping this close to my heart.


the lace dress with liner is always up for grabs in our shop. so isquisofrenia, let us know whenever you feel like wearing lace again! we can do it in many colors though.

and yes buenobueno, we will send you our blog button! thank you!


Good luck on your new path. I'm always happy when new changes happen. Love the blog - following you now :)


emma wallace said...

Such a gorgeous and colorful post! I am very glad to have discovered your blog!

A.n.E said...

These photos are beautiful! you manage to capture the pain/conviviality/sweetness in these real urban scenes. Really excited for you, wish you two all the best- I think its lucky for the cyber world - we'll get to see a whole lot more from you!!
