
the post-life of freeing myself from the corporate indentured servitude has caused me to live a life as a foodist.
we just love how the witch pie factory does not only offer a marvelous pie-tasting experience,
but also its adornment towards the words of wisdom.
can't explain the connection of the shopkeeper with the oyster in each quotation behind every business card, either.
hopefully, we will get to unlock the mystery behind the letters soon next time we stuff ourselves with those pies again.


Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

love the quotes in the 1st pics. great photos!

style-haus said...

seriously huh! if they have wine tastings, they should have pie tastings! i love pie...esp the crust. :D the quotes behind the business cards is genius...gorgeous shots too


Nicola said...

not gonna lie, this post made me very hungry.
i love the opening hours sign, that's brilliant x
ps, i'm followinggggg, woohoo!

Sara said...

lol I want to go to this place! It looks awesome, and I want those hours :) :) :)

Kira Aderne said...

delicious!!! and the quote, it seems to be so right!!!

I am hungry! ;)

Unknown said...

Oh my god! PIE. I love your blog - you have the best photos ever. Panda xxx

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

So that looks like the most amazing place ever and that food looks delicious. Yum yum

Sharon said...

oh MAN this looks amazing! sharon xx


Grace said...

I love those postcards!

Love Grace

Unknown said...

wow yummy food feels hungry


joana said...

That office hours is very suspicious! but every thing looks very good!

Charlotte Elise Jay said...

WOW this looks amazing :)

Such pretty pictures!!

Char x

Carissa said...

I love your blog! seriously, I'm not lying! and that quotes on the card is so cuteeee <3

Anonymous said...

The food is so yummy and I love Frederico's quote

Mia Bbook

Fashion Cappuccino said...

What a gorgeous place!! And the pies look delicious! I'm totally stealing that quotes behind business cards idea!! xxoxoxooo

chloe said...

if i ever have my own business, im definitely going to be inspired by their opening hours sign, so funny!
and don't get me started on the food, i haven't had breakfast yet! xxx

Your Only Black Swan said...

ummm im speechless and my tummy is starting to rumble again! i LOVE pies and this place looks like heaven on earth!!? and in Thailand?! my two loves - thai food and than pies! someone pinch me!

a new follower! love what you show here

come by for a visit or follow too?!

x Your Only Blackswan

me melodia said...

baked goods, words and style.

