
oh man, this hits me hard at the moment.
isn't it ironic when you seem to take notice in everything that is considered to be "different" during your real-life breakthrough?
gori de palma's "rat scabies" s/s 2011 is pretty much as one.
the design liberates the common mass interest through perceived excesses of punk-rock style.
the collection reflects the hard-edged view that encourages individuality away from same-ol' narrow-minded social norms.
ripped stockings, black tees, and metallic studded jaquets,
all chanting that a little rebellion now and then MUST be a good thing!
Photo Credits: Gori de Palma's "Rat Scabies" by Vladimir Borowicz (in the courtesy of +34pressroom)


Grace said...

I don't ever want to leave your page. Your playlist is amazing. I think we are music soul mates.
Love Grace.

CHLOE and JESSICA said...

great fotos as always..love the guys tats in the last picture


Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA...I think you're talking about feigned originality, no? I think the whole antiestablishmentarianism aesthetic is either completely and tragically hypocritical or so ironic that it in itself is reflect social paradoxes.

Dylana Suarez said...

Great pics! Thanks for sharing :)

Just came across your blog. It is lovely!


joana said...

These pics has this strange feeling that I LOVE

style-haus said...

aahhhh these looks are so bad ass! love punk/rock


Rebecca said...

holy crap! that is a freaking awesome post.


agnes said...

a mix of black of white, metal and rock, anger and ectasy, rebelliousness and obedience.

a pretty inspiring post :)

Sara said...

Love this post! Amazing pictures :)

Anonymous said...

This looks like a backstage photoshoot from the 80's. Cool!

Stop by, get comfortable, stay a while at

Charlotte Elise Jay said...

LOVE your blog!

Images are amazing!!!

The pleating on those trousers are beautiful!

Char x

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Wow!! That's so awesome!! I really love the jackets!! Great song on your blog by the way!! xoxoxoxoo

vint junky said...

Wow! the styling is amazing..i'm coveting all of this collection...it may a little big on me, but that wouldn't stop me from wearing everything.
that skull jacket = p.h.e.n.o.m.e.n.a.l !

indigotangerine said...

black and white makes everything look so magical.

louboutin chaussures said...

regarder ces images et je me sens juste que je ne peux pas attendre pour acheter xoxo

Mademoiselle Ruta said...

Such cool photos. I wish I could take ones like this myself.

Nicola said...

thanks so much for your comment! such a lovely compliment. i will definitely keep posting music for you :) and i love your blog, so i'm now following!


justbecausefashion said...

wow, amazing pool of pics!!


liz said...

love love love this. whoa love this. the punk boys are so beautiful and the skull jacket wow

fashion is my husband said...

photos are amazing!!!<3

Lauren Goddard said...

The safetypinned skull is rad!
